How can merchants use deep data analysis to grow their business

The digitalisation of global payment services means merchants now have access to customer data. 

Payment data that can be attained through global payment service providers is vital in driving new business for merchants and ultimately accelerating growth. By aggregating data, merchants are able to monitor payment behaviours. 

Data is core to Nucleus365. As an Authorised Payment Institution, we want to support the growth of our merchants which is why we offer them access to data acquired through our platform. Our deep data analysis services provide the additional insight needed for merchants to then make important growth decisions. 

By using data and analytics, merchants can properly understand how effective their e-commerce capabilities are in seeing a potential transaction completed. It is for this reason that Nucleus365 offers daily reports to our merchants. 

Merchants can use the quantitative insight provided in our reports to predict consumer behaviour, market trends and ultimately assess the ROI. 

Payment optimisation through data

Having access to this data is particularly important for merchants seeking to expand into new markets for the first time. The reality is that consumer psyches are by no means universal - buying experiences differ from country to region. 

Using one type of marketing technique which delivers a high ROI in a merchants local market might not deliver the same success in another country. Data can show which techniques are working and which require revision. By using the data available to merchants, targeted campaigns can be launched specific to the needs of a target demographic. 

The adoption of global payment systems by businesses is accelerating. Merchants understand their customer base does not need to be limited to one country or market. The reality is that there are billions of potential consumers to target and Nucleus365 can help you target them.

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